I’m trying to attend Netroots Nation, a big conference for online activists. But the only way I can afford to go is if I win a scholarship. The 5 applicants with the most votes will win.

So please vote for me!

Just click here: http://nn13.democracyforamerica.com/applicants/181 and then click on “Vote for Rebecca Cohen!”

At NN13, I’ll get a chance to meet up with others who are working to improve women’s representation in media. I think it would be exciting to have someone there representing the comics/webcomics community. So please, spread the word in any way you can! Share this link with your own social media networks, on your blogs, with your friends and family, and ask them to vote for me. If I get this scholarship I will be the happiest feminist superhero parody webcomic creator in the world!

Thanks for all your ongoing support, readers!


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